Talking About Money Resource Pack

Resource created by Campaign for Learning

A survey commissioned by The Centre for Financial Capability indicated that 25% of children as young as 6 are more anxious about money because of the pandemic. This is the very time when parents need to have conversations with their children about money. 

In the days of contactless cards and direct debits, money is often almost invisible. Talking to children about money has never been more important. And if we work with families, we can help; there are some fantastic free resources out there we can use to start these conversations and build families’ financial resilience.

This pack includes

  • Resources to help parents talk to children about managing and saving money, in an age-appropriate way
  • Activities to develop coin recognition in pay-by-card world
  • Children’s books to support conversations about the difference between needing something and wanting it.

Click the image below to download this resource.